One of these two vloggers would rather be somewhere else… Well now they can with the recent launch of YouTube’s “Space” for promising vlogger stars. YouTube took two years to build a 20,000 sq. ft. facility inside Google’s Headquarters at Pancras Square. For the next generation of Zoella’s, YouTube Space will give them access to top equipment and resource.
The equipment cost for the more established vlogger can easily run into the tens of thousands. At the London YouTube Space, there will be4K live streaming equipment with stages, studies and a 150 seat 4K cinema room. 360-degree cameras and virtual reality cameras are also available. Staff will be on hand to help give advice and top tips for how new vloggers can monetise their video channel.
However, you can only gain access to the new ‘Space’ if you already have more than 10,000 subscribers. Vloggers with more than 1,000 subscribers can still go to production workshops and receive an online course to help them increase their subscriber base.
YouTube’s London ‘Spaces’ is only one of many around the world. Their flagship ‘Spaces’ is in their Los Angeles office which boasts a 36 screen video display. They have the London one just opened in Pancras Square; then there’s Tokyo situated in their Roppongi Hills office; New York, located in the Chelsea neighbourhood of Manhattan; São Paulo in Brazil; Berlin, Germany in partnership with the MET film school; Mubai, India, Paris, France; and Toronto, Canada. With brands increasingly paying more attention to vlogger channels, the YouTube Spaces are big industry news.
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Required reference:
YouCom Media News, March 2017, London, ‘YouTube’s Spaces for vlogger stars’